
Children are open to new experiences. Our goal is to nurture this youthful curiosity and natural readiness to cooperate and to encourage them. For this reason it is important to treat these small patients appropriately.






  • We have done everything to make this possible: years of training and experience, operatories optimized for pedodontic dentistry, and the right treatment philosophy. We know how to please children, make them feel at ease and offer the right atmosphere.
  • Our first appointment serves to get to know each other, assess treatment needs and compliancy of the child.
  • In many cases the upbeat atmosphere, a captivating video on the ceiling, the fact that we always explain clearly what is going to be done and our painless methods of working assure successful treatment as of the second appointment.
  • In very small or phobic children we work with calming medication, provided there are not too many carious teeth. If this is the case, we offer the option of total anesthesia in cooperation with an experienced pediatric anesthesiologist.
  • We have laid the foundation for your child’s future oral health in our Prophylactic Concept for Children.
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